Nourish your dog with the high-quality protein and healthy fats needed to thrive when you serve this Merrick Grain Free Wet Dog Food Real Beef, Lamb and Bison Dinner. Featuring real USDA-inspected deboned beef as the first ingredient, this canned dog food grain free recipe contains 96 percent protein from animal sources and wholesome ingredients including vitamins and minerals for complete and balanced nutrition. To meet your dog’s dietary needs, this Merrick wet dog food is a natural dog food canned recipe made without artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives and is a poultry free, pea free, potato free and chicken free dog food. The tender pate texture makes this real meat dog food ideal for all breeds and sizes. Offer this can dog food with real deboned beef as a delicious standalone meal, or serve your dog wet food as a flavorful topper to make your dog’s dry kibble even more tempting. Merrick dog food recipes were proudly founded in Hereford, TX, and are crafted in USA facilities.
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